Salaries by Position

Marketing Specialist in China - Average Salary and JD - TeamedUp China

Marketing Specialists in China: Average Salary and Job Description

Today we’re going through a great set of over 1.4 million job data points on Marketing Specialists in China! Our data today comes from two of the largest Chinese Job Boards. That’s BOSS Zhipin (BOSS直聘) and Zhilian Zhaopin (智联招聘). These large platforms seem to have the most relevant and abundant data points when it comes to the modern Chinese job markets. We’ll be sure to include the number of data points we have for each statistic we pull out. We’ll also be updating this annually to keep up with the newest salary data out there – this data was last checked (by a real human) in March 2024. So let’s dive into some neat data on Marketing Specialists in China! First, we’ll look at a standard Job Description, then on to average salary data coverage. Common Responsibilities on a Chinese Marketing Specialist Job Description A Marketing Specialist JD most often has these responsibilities associated with it in China. These are based on commonalities of the actual job listings from the sources and are translated from Chinese, but not auto-generated. Job Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the sales and promotion of the company’s products; 2. Conduct market research and analysis, and timely understand customer demand information; 3. Develop customer resources, find potential customers, and achieve sales targets; 4. Sign sales contracts, guide, coordinate, and review accounts and records related to sales services, and coordinate transportation and other matters; 5. Resolve customer complaints regarding sales and services; 6. Responsible for the collection of market information and analysis of competitors; 7. From the perspective of sales and customer needs perspective, providing guiding suggestions for product development. Average Salary Data on Marketing Specialists in China Marketing Specialist Nationwide in China, March 2024 Average Salary: ¥14,233 RMB ($1,979 USD) per month Median Salary: ¥12,180 RMB ($1,694 USD) per month Job Data Points: 1,430,665 In a sample size of 1,430,665 jobs, the average salary for a Marketing Specialist in China was ¥14,233 RMB ($1,979 USD) per month. The median salary from this set was ¥12,180 RMB ($1,694 USD) per month.  This is a nationwide data set and it’s important to note that different cities in China command different levels of compensation. For more on that, check out our breakdown of average Chinese salaries by city.  We also like to point out that salary data from local job sites is mostly for Chinese-speaking positions. Data Analyst salaries in China with English or other foreign language requirements are usually at least higher than the median.  More Salary Data on Marketing Specialists in China! Average Salary by City/Region for Marketing Specialists in China No surprise to see Taiwan (#1: ¥23,000 RMB) and Hong Kong (#2: ¥21,600 RMB) at the top of the average salaries list here. From there China’s flagship business cities round out the list: 1) Taiwan: ¥23,000 RMB 2) Hong Kong: ¥21,660 RMB 3) Shanghai: ¥16,990 RMB 4) Shenzhen: ¥15,505 RMB 5) Hangzhou: ¥15,426 RMB 6) Beijing: ¥15,234 RMB 7) Suzhou: ¥12,774 RMB 8) Guangzhou: ¥12,612 RMB 9) Nanjing: ¥11,904 RMB 10) Wuhan: ¥11,469 RMB Demand by City for Marketing Specialists in China This chart takes BOSS Zhipin’s recent amount of Marketing Specialist jobs posted by City in China. It’s no surprise to see most of China’s large business hubs – Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Chengdu, etc – at the top. Top graduates originate from the massive University ecosystems here. The competition for great talent is also centered around these megacities. Since marketing is a core function of any enterprise, job openings trend with the overall city populations of China. A reflection of almost every business enterprise in every major Chinese city needing it. Educational Requirements for Marketing Specialists in China Here we’ve got a distribution of the education requirements for positions across China. 34.5% of positions required a technical degree or above. Another 21.8% required an undergraduate degree, and only 0.1% required a master’s degree. Experience Requirements for Marketing Specialists in China And here we have a breakdown of the experience required for Marketing Specialist positions. 24.9% of jobs listed have 1-3 years of experience required. Another 13% of positions require 3-5 years of experience. Note on data: The largest response in this sample size is ‘no experience requirement specified’. It is also important to note that these requirements are the ones advertised by companies on BOSS Zhipin’s platforms. We don’t have the data to extract exactly how closely hiring managers stick to these requirements when assessing candidates. Simply put – jobs listing a 3-5 years of experience requirement may, in reality, consider candidates with less experience.  References The two main sources of data for this series on individual job salaries in China are local HR companies BOSS Zhipin and Zhilian Zhaopin. They are both among China’s biggest job portals and have some of the largest amounts of local, first-hand, public data points. It’s important to note that the data most often reflects recruited salaries, or the publicly listed salary information that companies advertise on their platforms.  Original article content and further sources can be found in the Salary Guides section of our Resources area. Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  We’ve been recruiting in China since 2014! Our China Candidate Sourcing Pro service helps companies utilize leading Chinese platforms just like BOSS Zhipin & Zhaopin to hire for roles just like Marketing Specialist. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. Book A Call Get in Touch Let’s find your next great China-based team member today. 

Marketing Specialists in China: Average Salary and Job Description Read More »

Data Analysts in China - Average Salary and JD - TeamedUp China

Data Analysts in China: Average Salary and Job Description

Today we’re going through a great set of over 675,000 job data points on Data Analysts in China! Our data today comes from two of the largest Chinese Job Boards. That’s BOSS Zhipin (BOSS直聘) and Zhilian Zhaopin (智联招聘). These large platforms seem to have the most relevant and abundant data points when it comes to the modern Chinese job markets. We’ll be sure to include the number of data points we have for each statistic we pull out. We’ll also be updating this annually to keep up with the newest salary data out there – this data was last checked (by a real human) in March 2024. So let’s dive into some neat data on Data analysts in China! First, we’ll look at a standard Job Description, then on to average salary data coverage. Common Responsibilities on a Chinese Data Analyst Job Description A Data Analyst JD most often has these responsibilities associated with it in China. These are based on commonalities of the actual job listings from the sources and are not auto-generated. Job Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for project demand research, data analysis, business analysis and data mining models, etc., and understand user needs through analyzing user behavior; 2. Participate in the research, analysis and implementation of temporary data analysis needs of business departments; 3. Participate in the construction, maintenance, deployment and evaluation of data mining models; 4. Organize and compile business data analysis reports, timely discover and analyze the changes and problems hidden in them, and provide decision-making support for business development; 5. Send or provide counterpart support to the business The department provides data analysis services and cooperates with business departments to carry out business thematic analysis; 6. Support the work needs of data analysis, processing and research in operations, products, research and development, marketing and other aspects of product departments. Average Salary Data on Data Analyst in China Data Analyst Nationwide in China, March 2024 Average Salary: ¥23,260 RMB ($3,234 USD) per month Median Salary: ¥22,774 RMB ($3,167 USD) per month Job Data Points: 676,127 In a sample size of 676,127 jobs, the average salary for a Data Analyst in China was ¥23,260 RMB ($3,234 USD) per month. The median salary from this set was ¥22,774 RMB ($3,167 USD) per month.  This is a nationwide data set and it’s important to note that different cities in China command different levels of compensation. For more on that, check out our breakdown of average Chinese salaries by city.  We also like to point out that salary data from local job sites is mostly for Chinese-speaking positions. Data Analyst salaries in China with English or other foreign language requirements are usually at least higher than the median.  More Salary Data on Data Analysts in China! Average Salary by City for Data Analysts in China Some flagship business cities at numbers 3 (HongKong), 4 (Shanghai), and 7 (Beijing) all make sense. The mid-sized cities at #1) Liaoyang in the northeast (more on the city’s economy), and #2) Ziyang in the southwest, are interesting outliers. Both of these cities have a considerably lower overall average salary than their ‘Tier-1‘ city counterparts. Demand by City for Data Analysts in China This chart takes BOSS Zhipin’s recent amount of Data Analyst jobs posted by City in China. It’s no surprise to see most of China’s large business hubs – Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Chengdu, etc – at the top. Top graduates originate from the massive University ecosystems here. The competition for great talent is also centered around these megacities. Beijing comfortably at #1 here also reflects the capital city’s mix of both public and private sector demand for analysts. Educational Requirements for Data Analysts in China Here we’ve got a distribution of the education requirements for positions across China. 70.5% of positions required an undergraduate degree. Another 19% required a technical 2+ year degree, and 5.6% required a master’s degree. Experience Requirements for Data Analysts in China And here we have a breakdown of the experience required for Data Analyst positions. 32% of jobs listed have 3-5 years of experience required. 1-3 years and 3-5 years of experience account for 26.1% and 15.1% of listing requirements, respectively. On the other end, 3.8% of jobs listed a 0-1 years of experience requirement. It is important to note that these requirements are the ones advertised by companies on BOSS Zhipin’s platforms. We don’t have the data to extract exactly how closely hiring managers stick to these requirements when assessing candidates. Simply put – jobs listing a 3-5 years of experience requirement may, in reality, consider candidates with less experience.  Top Industries for Data Analysts in China And to round things out – here are the top 10 industries that post for Data Analyst positions.  References The two main sources of data for this series on individual job salaries in China are local HR companies BOSS Zhipin and Zhilian Zhaopin. They are both among China’s biggest job portals and have some of the largest amounts of local, first-hand, public data points. It’s important to note that the data most often reflects recruited salaries, or the publicly listed salary information that companies advertise on their platforms.  Original article content and further sources can be found in the Salary Guides section of our Resources area. Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  We’ve been recruiting in China since 2014! Our China Candidate Sourcing Pro service helps companies utilize leading Chinese platforms just like BOSS Zhipin & Zhaopin to hire for roles just like Data Analysts. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. Book A Call Get in Touch Let’s find your next great China-based team member today. 

Data Analysts in China: Average Salary and Job Description Read More »

Front-End Developer in China: Average Salary and JD - TeamedUp China

Front-End Developers in China: Average Salary and Job Description

So we’ve got a wealth of data on a consistently popular tech role in China – Front-end Developers… And by wealth, I mean over 1.7 million job data points! Our data today comes from two of the largest Chinese Job Boards. That’s BOSS Zhipin (BOSS直聘) and Zhilian Zhaopin (智联招聘). These large platforms seem to have the most relevant and abundant data points when it comes to the modern Chinese job markets. We’ll be sure to include the number of data points we have for each statistic we pull out. We’ll also be updating this annually to keep up with the newest salary data out there – this data was last checked (by a real human) in March 2024. So let’s dive into some neat data on Front-end Developers in China! First, we’ll look at a standard Job Description, then on to average salary data coverage. Common Responsibilities on a Chinese Front-End Developer Job Description A Front-end Developer JD most often has these responsibilities associated with it in China. These are based on commonalities of the actual job listings from the sources and are not auto-generated. Job Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the development and maintenance of website Javascript for the company’s PC and mobile products; 2. Responsible for the front-end development and maintenance of the company’s WeChat platform applications. 3. Responsible for continuously optimizing the user experience and usability of the website. 4. Track the development of front-end technology and improve and innovate technology based on actual application needs. Average Salary Data on Front-End Developers in China Front-End Developer Nationwide in China, March 2024 Average Salary: ¥20,877 RMB ($2,901 USD) per month Median Salary: ¥19,002 RMB ($2,640 USD) per month Job Data Points: 1,704,643 In a sample size of 1,704,643 jobs, the average salary for a Front-end Developer in China was ¥20,877 RMB per month. The median salary from this set was ¥19,002 RMB per month.  This is a nationwide data set and it’s important to note that different cities in China command different levels of compensation. For more on that, check out our breakdown of average Chinese salaries by city.  We also like to point out that salary data from local job sites is mostly for Chinese-speaking positions. Developer salaries in China with English or other foreign language requirements are usually at least higher than the median.  More Salary Data on Front-End Developers in China! Average Salary by City for Front-End Developers in China It’s nice to see average salary data for Hong Kong and Taiwan here!  Some of China’s flagship business cities at numbers 4, 5, 7, and 8 all make sense. The island beach city Sanya at number #3 is interesting and marks a bit of a trend we’re seeing when it comes to technical developer roles.  Demand by City for Front-End Developers in China This chart takes the same data points and distributes by City in China. It’s no surprise to see most of China’s large business hubs – Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Chengdu, etc – at the top. Top tech graduates originate from the massive technical University ecosystems here. The competition for great talent is also centered around these megacities. Educational Requirements for Front-End Developers in China Here we’ve got a distribution of the education requirements for positions across China. 73% of positions required an undergraduate degree. On the other end, only 1.3% of jobs in the data set required a Masters degree or above.  Experience Requirements for Front-End Developers in China And here we have a breakdown of the experience required for Front-end Developer positions. 48% of jobs listed have 3-5 years of experience required. 1-3 years and 3-5 years of experience account for 22.7% and 15.2% of listing requirements, respectively. It is, however, important to note that these requirements are the ones advertised by companies on BOSS Zhipin’s platform. We don’t have the data to extract exactly how closely hiring managers stick to these requirements when assessing candidates. Simply put – jobs listing a 3-5 years of experience requirement may, in reality, consider candidates with less experience.  Top Industries for Front-End Developers in China And to round things out – here are the top 10 industries that post for Front-end Developer positions.  References The two main sources of data for this series on individual job salaries in China are local HR companies BOSS Zhipin and Zhilian Zhaopin. They are both among China’s biggest job portals and have some of the largest amounts of local, first-hand, public data points. It’s important to note that the data most often reflects recruited salaries, or the publicly listed salary information that companies advertise on their platforms.  Original article content and further sources can be found in the Salary Guides section of our Resources area. Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  The TeamedUp China Recruiting Pros are at it again! Our China Candidate Sourcing Pro service helps companies utilize leading Chinese platforms just like BOSS Zhipin & Zhaopin to hire for roles just like Front-End Developers. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. Book A Call Get in Touch Let’s find your next great China-based team member today. 

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Java Developer in China: Average Salary and JD - TeamedUp China

Java Developers in China: Average Salary and Job Description

So we’ve got a wealth of data on a consistently popular tech role in China – Java Developers… And by wealth, I mean nearly 3 million job data points! Our data today comes from two of the largest Chinese Job Boards. That’s BOSS Zhipin (BOSS直聘) and Zhilian Zhaopin (智联招聘). These large platforms seem to have the most relevant and abundant data points when it comes to the modern Chinese job markets. We’ll be sure to include the number of data points we have for each statistic we pull out. We’ll also be updating this annually to keep up with the newest salary data out there – this data was last checked (by a real human) in March 2024. So let’s dive into some neat data on Java Developers in China! First, we’ll look at a standard Job Description, then on to average salary data coverage. Common Responsibilities on a Chinese Java Developer Job Description A Java Developer JD most often has these responsibilities associated with it in China. These are based on commonalities of the actual job listings from the sources and are not auto-generated. Job Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the development and maintenance of the company’s website; 2. Responsible for the implementation and testing of the website; 3. Responsible for the maintenance and upgrade of the existing website; 4. Responsible for solving technical problems during the development process; 5. Responsible for website development documents Writing work; 6. Unify coding style, supervise team development, implement testing, and accept code quality; 7. Participate in software system design and be able to write code. Average Salary Data on Java Developers in China Java Developer Nationwide in China, March 2024 Average Salary: ¥22,747 RMB ($3,161 USD) per month Median Salary: ¥22,788 RMB ($3,166 USD) per month Job Data Points: 2,913,453 In a sample size of 2,913,453 jobs, the average salary for a Java Deleloper in China was ¥22,747 RMB per month. The median salary from this set was ¥22,788 RMB per month.  This is a nationwide data set and it’s important to note that different cities in China command different levels of compensation. For more on that, check out our breakdown of average Chinese salaries by city.  We also like to point out that salary data from local job sites is mostly for Chinese-speaking positions. Java Developer salaries in China with English or other foreign language requirements are usually at least higher than the median.  More Salary Data on Java Developers in China! Average Salary by City for Java Developers in China It’s nice to see average salary data for Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan here!  Some of China’s flagship business cities at numbers 4, 5, 6, and 8 all make sense. The island beach city Sanya at number 7 is interesting. Demand by City for Java Developers in China This chart takes the same data points and distributes by City in China. It’s no surprise to see most of China’s large business hubs – Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, etc – at the top. Top tech graduates originate from the massive technical University ecosystems here. The competition for great talent is also centered around these megacities. Educational Requirements for Java Developers in China Here we’ve got a distribution of the education requirements for positions across China. 73% of positions required an undergraduate degree. On the other end, only 1.3% of jobs in the data set required a Masters degree or above.  Experience Requirements for Java Developers in China And here we have a breakdown of the experience required for Java Developer positions. 46.1% of jobs listed have a 3-5 years of experience requirement. 1-3 years and 3-5 years of experience account for around 20% each. It is, however, important to note that these requirements are the ones advertised by companies on BOSS Zhipin’s platform. We don’t have the data to extract exactly how closely hiring managers stick to these requirements when assessing candidates. Simply put – jobs listing a 3-5 years of experience requirement may, in reality, consider candidates with less experience.  References The two main sources of data for this series on individual job salaries in China are local HR companies BOSS Zhipin and Zhilian Zhaopin. They are both among China’s biggest job portals and have some of the largest amounts of local, first-hand, public data points. It’s important to note that the data most often reflects recruited salaries, or the publicly listed salary information that companies advertise on their platforms.  Original article content and further sources can be found in the Salary Guides section of our Resources area. Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  The TeamedUp China Recruiting Pros are at it again! Our China Candidate Sourcing Pro service helps companies utilize leading Chinese platforms just like BOSS Zhipin & Zhaopin to hire for roles just like Java Developers. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. Book A Call Get in Touch Let’s find your next great China-based team member today. 

Java Developers in China: Average Salary and Job Description Read More »

Customer Service Rep in China - Average Salary and JD - TeamedUp China

Customer Service Reps in China: Average Salary and Job Description

So we’ve got a wealth of data on the ever-so-important role of Customer Service Rep in China… And by wealth, I mean over 1.6 million job data points! Our data today come from two of the largest Chinese Job Boards. That’s BOSS Zhipin (BOSS直聘) and Zhilian Zhaopin (智联招聘). These large platforms seem to have the most relevant and abundant data points when it comes to the modern Chinese job markets. In this case, we’ve listed salary info for over 1.6 million recent job reference points. We’ll be sure to include the number of data points we have for each statistic we pull out. We’ll also be updating this annually to keep up with the newest salary data out there – this data was last checked on March 2024. So let’s dive into some neat data on Customer Service Representatives in China! First we’ll look at a standard Job Description, then on to average salary data coverage. The Most Common Responsibilities on a Chinese Customer Service Rep Job Description According to our data set – the Customer Service Representative JD most often has these responsibilities associated with it in China. These are based on actual job listings and are not auto-generated.   Job Responsibilities: 1. Answer technical calls of various brands, be able to answer customers promptly and accurately according to the knowledge base, and provide standard services to customers. 2. Quickly grasp the company’s new policies and new businesses. During the telephone service process, actively promote the company’s new products to encourage customers to be willing to use the company’s products. 3. Accept business applications and customer complaint phone numbers, accurately record the content of the complaints, and generate electronic work orders for businesses that require assistance from other positions and transfer them to the backend team. 4. Assist in organizing training materials within the group and coaching junior customer representatives. Participate in various trainings to improve overall quality. Participate in various team activities and support team building. 5. For questions or information that are not in the database, record the content of the question and submit it to the assistant manager on duty for transfer to the business team. Collect mobile business information timely and accurately, work hard to learn mobile business knowledge, assist in collecting customer demand information, and put forward suggestions for improvement of service work. 6. Use multiple channels (such as phone calls, text messages, emails, etc.) to communicate with customers to achieve service or sales purposes. 7. Handle user consultations and complaints, report user obstacles and dispatch orders, and summarize and feedback users’ suggestions and opinions. 8. Fill in the shift diary carefully and hand over unfinished and unsolved problems to the next shift. 9. Maintain good communication with various departments. 10. Frequently check the operation of the computer and report for repair and troubleshooting in a timely manner. Average Salary Data on Customer Service Reps in China Customer Service Representative Nationwide in China, March 2024 Average Salary: ¥6,434 RMB ($894 USD) per month Median Salary: ¥6,465 RMB ($898 USD) per month Job Data Points: 1,621,712 In a sample size of 1,621,712 jobs, the average salary for a Customer Service Rep in China was ¥6,434 RMB per month. The median salary from this set was ¥6,465 RMB per month.  This is a nationwide data set and it’s important to note that different cities in China command different levels of compensation. For more on that, check out our breakdown of average Chinese salaries by city.  It’s also important to note that the salaries used are self-reported much like Glassdoor and are most often verified (real ID) users.  We also like to point out that salary data from local job sites is mostly for Chinese-speaking positions. Customer Service job salaries in China with English or other foreign language requirements are usually at least higher than the median.  More Salary Data on Customer Service Reps in China! Recruitment Salary Distribution for Customer Service Reps in China This chart takes the same data points and distributes by City in China. It’s no surprise to see most of China’s large business hubs – Shanghai, Hongkong, Hangzhou, etc – at the top. The cost of living in these cities is higher and the competition for great talent is centered around these megacities. Educational Distribution of Customer Service Reps in China Here we’ve got a distribution of the education requirements for positions across China. 53.8% of positions do not require a formal degree or certificate. On the other end, only 2.2% of jobs in the data set required a University undergraduate degree or above. This is another important point to consider when hiring for customer service. Experience Distribution of Customer Service Representatives in China And here we have a breakdown of the experience required for Customer Service positions. 83.6% of jobs listed have no specific experience requirements. Way down in second place with 8.9% was 1-3 years of experience required. Only 0.6% of jobs required 3+ years of experience.  It is, however, important to note that these requirements are the ones advertised by companies on BOSS Zhipin’s platform. We don’t have the data to extract exactly how closely hiring managers stick to these requirements when assessing candidates. Simply put – jobs listing no experience requirements may, in reality, only consider candidates with some experience.  Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  The TeamedUp China Recruiting Pros are at it again! Our China Candidate Sourcing Pro service helps companies utilize leading Chinese platforms just like BOSS Zhipin & Zhaopin. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. Book A Call Get in Touch Let’s find your next great China-based team member today. 

Customer Service Reps in China: Average Salary and Job Description Read More »

Supplier Quality Engineer in China Average Salary and JD - TeamedUp China

Supplier Quality Engineers in China: Average Salary and Job Description

Today, we’re going over some 2024 local data sets..! …On SQEs / Supplier Quality Engineers in China!!! Our data today come from two of the largest Chinese Job Boards. That’s BOSS Zhipin (BOSS直聘) and Zhilian Zhaopin (智联招聘). These large platforms seem to have the most relevant and abundant data points when it comes to the modern Chinese job markets. In this case, we’ve self-reported salary info for over 85,000 recent reference points.  We’ll be sure to include the number of data points we have for each statistic we pull out. We’ll also be updating this annually to keep up with the newest salary data out there..  So let’s dive into some neat data on SQEs, also known as Supply Quality Engineers or Supplier Quality Engineers, in China! First we’ll look at a standard Job Description, then average salary data coverage. The Most Common Responsibilities on a Chinese SQE Job Description The Supplier Quality Engineer JD most often has these responsibilities associated with it in China.   Job Responsibilities: 1. Preparation of the supplier’s annual audit plan; 2. Conducting audits in accordance with the supplier’s annual audit plan, organizing audit reports, tracking closures found in the audit, and promoting & guiding suppliers within deadlines for non-conformities found in the audit. Rectification is in place; 3. Handling, follow-up, and rectification of supplier quality issues reported in various aspects such as incoming inspection, production process, customer feedback, after-sales, and other aspects, and proactively follow up on the verification effect of rectification measures; 4. Managing supplier monthly PPM Statistics: give the main statistical problems, push suppliers to submit rectification reports, follow up on the implementation of rectifications, formulate annual PPM indicators for sub-suppliers, and manage the worst TOP3 suppliers; 5. Maintenance and update of the supplier management dashboard; 6. Submitting claims to suppliers for internal and external failure costs caused by supplier product quality problems in each link; 7. Review and approval of supplier PPAP; 8. Reviewing supplier shipment reports; 9. Maintenance of supplier-related information in QSS Update and making weekly and monthly reports to China; 10. Preparing incoming material inspection instructions according to the control plan; 11. Daily management of incoming material inspectors. Average Salary Data on SQEs in China Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE) Nationwide in China Average Salary: ¥15,577 RMB ($2,164 USD) per month Median Salary: ¥14,788 RMB ($2,055 USD) per month Job Data Points: 85,130 In a sample size of 85,130 jobs, the average salary for a Supplier Quality Engineer in China was ¥15,577 RMB per month. The median salary from this set was ¥14,788 RMB per month.  This is a nationwide data set and we don’t (yet) have the city-level info for it. Different cities in China command different levels of compensation. For more on that, check out our breakdown of average Chinese salaries by city.  It’s also important to note that the salaries used are self-reported much like Glassdoor and are most often verified (real ID) users.  We also like to point out that salary data from local job sites is mostly for Chinese-speaking positions. SQE job salaries in China with English or other foreign language requirements are usually at least higher than the median.  More Salary Data on Supplier Quality Engineers in China! Recruitment Salary Distribution for SQEs in China This chart takes the same data points and distributes by City or Region in China. Interestingly, the top 4 regions on this list are ‘smaller’, lesser-known ones – even though a city like Dongying (#4) still has over 2 million residents!  SQE’s are usually stationed near manufacturing hubs, so we tend to see a larger variety of locations come up for this type of position. Companies are willing to pay more in manufacturing areas where there is not enough existing SQE talent present. Further down the list, we can find some familiar Chinese mega-cities like Beijing (#5), Lanzhou (#7), and Shanghai (#9). Recruitment Demand Distribution for SQEs in China This chart shows a March 2024 snapshot of how many open Supplier Quality Engineer positions there are by city on the major jobs platform BOSS Zhipin.  The results here are straightforward – the economic powerhouses of Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Suzhou take the top spots, with other major manufacturing and technology hubs rounding out the list. One interesting point is the concentration of positions at the top of this list – The top-seated Shanghai has twice as many open positions as the #4 city Ningbo, and about four times as the #10 spot Changzhou.  Educational Distribution of Supplier Quality Engineers in China Here we’ve got a distribution of the education requirements for SQE positions across China. 53.2% of positions require an undergraduate University degree. Another 39.5% require at least a College degree – which amounts to 2+ years of technical coursework. On the other end, only 0.6% of jobs in the data set required a Master’s degree or above.  Experience Distribution of Supplier Quality Engineers in China And here we have a breakdown of the experience required for SQE positions. 41.2% of jobs listed required 3-5 years of experience. Next up were jobs with 1-3 years and 5-10 years of experience required, accounting for 23.9% and 21.6% of positions, respectively. Less than 1% of jobs listed put applicant experience requirements at under 1 year. This plays into the classic trope of 1) new grads needing experience to get hired, but are 2) unable to obtain the experience due to a lack of entry-level jobs in the market. It is, however, important to note that these requirements are the ones advertised by companies on BOSS Zhipin’s platform. We don’t have the data to extract exactly how close hiring managers stick to these requirements when assessing candidates. Simply put – jobs listing an experience requirement of 3-5 years may, in reality, consider candidates with under 3 years of experience.    Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  The TeamedUp China Recruiting Pros are at it again! Our China Candidate Sourcing Pro service helps companies utilize leading Chinese

Supplier Quality Engineers in China: Average Salary and Job Description Read More »

Average Software Engineer Salary In China

Average Software Engineer Salary in China: 14 Sources Compared

We looked at data from 14 leading sources, both local and international, to compare and find out what a reasonable salary range is for a software engineer in one of China’s first-tier cities.  According to data from 14 leading sources: In 2023, the average salary for a software engineer in China was ¥406,549 RMB ($55,938 USD) per year. The median salary was ¥388,000 RMB ($53,386 USD) per year. Hiring in China? We can help. Post open roles across China’s top job sites, classifieds, and networking platforms — lower hiring costs by over 80%. Edit Template Infographic: Average Software Engineer Salary in China Red Shades = Local HR Companies Blue = International HR Companies Green = Data Aggregators It’s further interesting to note the big difference in averages once we break down the source type: Local HR companies average salary: ¥206,346 RMB ($28,392 USD) per year. International HR companies average salary: ¥487,500 RMB ($67,076 USD) per year. Data Aggregators average salary: ¥344,750 RMB ($47,435 USD) per year. Observations When we started recruiting for companies in China years ago, we noticed a huge range in recommended and listed salaries for similar roles. This is a first step to quantifying these big, perplexing differences and attempting to make sense of them. Local data sources reflected the lowest average salary for software engineers, as well as most other positions. Data aggregators, as expected, were mostly situated in the middle of the pack. The exception here is Payscale, reflecting salary figures closer to the local China providers.  International data providers have the biggest range among them and are skewed a lot higher than other source types.  Why such a Big Difference in Listed Salaries? Of the 14 sources listed, the lowest average software engineer salary listed is RMB ¥203,000 per year (USD $28,000), and the highest at RMB ¥650,000 per year (USD $89,000) – that’s a range of RMB ¥447,000 per year (USD $61,000). Different Target Audiences Simply put, each company listed put out its data for different reasons and different eyeballs. For example, the international firms releasing this type of information tend to have headhunting and/or executive search arms, and thus target their potential and existing client pool at multinational companies. Different Data Points While some of the salary listings are more generalized than others, all are based on some sort of data collected.  The local sources, Zhilian Zhaopin & Liepin, are pulling from their own sets of data – which happen to be from hundreds of thousands of job listings across their platforms. It’s important to note that their data reflects recruited salaries, or the publicly listed salary information that companies advertise on the platforms, and not the final salary actually received on contract. Actual salaries received may be higher as 1) candidates negotiate, and 2) employers often have internal thresholds and benefits that they can offer above the advertised package. International sources are also likely to be pulling on some of their own data and experience. They are more likely to have higher requirements from clients for things like language (bilingual+ candidates only) and international working experience or education. Furthermore, a large portion of the data that these foreign HR firms have likely comes from larger multinationals (MNCs), which generally pay higher than local Chinese employers. In order to attract great talent in China, foreign companies (and any companies for that matter) are wise to budget a compensation package that is above the industry average.  Related Resources: Tech Salaries in China: What Top Companies are Paying Talent How an Info Services Firm Hired a Java Developer in China Python Developers in China: Salary Data and Hiring Guide How Modern Chinese Workers Look for a Job in 2024 Average Salary Ranges for New University Graduates in China Average Salary in China: Local Data 2023+2024 Hiring in China? We can help, and likely lower your hiring costs by over 80% We’ve been recruiting in China since 2014! Our China Candidate Sourcing Service helps companies post & promote open roles across top Chinese jobs & networking platforms. Let’s find your next great China-based team member together.  Book A Call Post a Job Contact us to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. New here? Get 26% off your first job post with us. Edit Template References & Further Reading: Zhilian Zhaopin: Liepin: Payscale: Persol Kelly: Michael Page: Glassdoor:,5_IN48_KO6,23.htm Salary Expert: Economic Research Institute: JSC Group: Morgan McKinley: Hays Group: Robert Half: Robert Walters: Gemini Global:

Average Software Engineer Salary in China: 14 Sources Compared Read More »

Highest Paying Jobs In China

Highest Paying Jobs in China – Local Data 2023

Zhilian Zhaopin, one of China’s biggest job portals, has recently released data on average monthly salaries in China. It’s important to note that the data reflects recruited salaries or the publicly listed salary information that companies advertise on the Zhaopin platform. For this entry, we’re going to dive into the highest-paying jobs in China. Let’s go! Highest Paying Jobs in China, Country-wide Chip Engineers top the list, earning an average monthly salary of ¥26,000 RMB ($3,617 USD)/month. Chip Engineers continue to be the highest-paying occupation, earning an average of ¥26,000 RMB ($3,617 USD)/month.  Next up are Senior Managers and Artificial Intelligence Engineers – earning an average of ¥22,739 RMB ($3,164 USD)/month and ¥21,701 RMB ($3,019 USD)/month respectively. Rounding out the top 10 are: 4) Investment/Finance Managers – ¥16,899 RMB ($2,351 USD)/month 5) Software Developers – ¥16,891 RMB ($2,351 USD)/month 6) Communications & Hardware R&D Professionals – ¥16,507 RMB ($2,230 USD)/month 7) Mobile R&D Professionals – ¥15,646 RMB ($2,177 USD)/month 8) Automotive Electronics Engineers – ¥15,437 RMB ($2,147 USD)/month 9) Securities Brokers – ¥14,498 RMB ($2,017 USD)/month 10) Data Engineers – ¥14,318 RMB ($1,992 USD)/month Other takeaways: Many technical positions such as software R&D, hardware R&D, mobile R&D, and data engineers have seen their salaries drop compared with last year, but they are still high-paying occupations. Since the pandemic restrictions have been lifted, the public’s reliance on online consumption and entertainment has decreased. Thus, the demand and salary of related positions have notably declined. Fastest Growing Salaries in China by Position The wages of Service Consumption positions such as tourism, catering, fitness, and beauty rose significantly compared with the same period last year The above graph displays the year-on-year growth rate of salaries by job type. The biggest trend here is the retail service sector demand growing as pandemic policies and environment have simmered over the past year. From the top, the fastest-growing salaries in China by occupation type: Travel Services Sports & Fitness Business Consulting Banking & Financial Services Food & Catering Services Health & Beauty Doctor & Pharmacist Housekeeping & Maintenance Retail Clerk/Assistant The overall recruitment salary of Travel Service positions increased by 8.6% compared with the same period last year. Smaller divisions of Travel Services such as travel planning, tour guides, and visa specialists have increased by more than 10% year-on-year. Other high-growth salaries in the consumer service sector include food service jobs (the recruitment salaries of chefs, bartenders, bakers, and other food service positions have increased significantly), sports & fitness jobs, health & beauty jobs, and retail associate jobs.  More from this series on salaries in China: Average Salary in China – Local Data Q2 2023 Highest Paying Job Sectors in China – Local Data 2023 Highest Paying Pharmaceutical Jobs in China (2023) Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  We’ve been recruiting in China since 2014! Our China Recruiter Pro service helps companies utilize leading Chinese platforms just like Zhilian Zhaopin. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. Book A Call Get in Touch Let’s find your next great China-based team member today. 

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