August 2023

Average Software Engineer Salary In China

Average Software Engineer Salary in China: 14 Sources Compared

We looked at data from 14 leading sources, both local and international, to compare and find out what a reasonable salary range is for a software engineer in one of China’s first-tier cities.  According to data from 14 leading sources: In 2023, the average salary for a software engineer in China was ¥406,549 RMB ($55,938 USD) per year. The median salary was ¥388,000 RMB ($53,386 USD) per year. Infographic: Average Software Engineer Salary in China Red Shades = Local HR Companies Blue = International HR Companies Green = Data Aggregators It’s further interesting to note the big difference in averages once we break down the source type: Local HR companies average salary: ¥206,346 RMB ($28,392 USD) per year. International HR companies average salary: ¥487,500 RMB ($67,076 USD) per year. Data Aggregators average salary: ¥344,750 RMB ($47,435 USD) per year. Observations When we started recruiting for companies in China years ago, we noticed a huge range in recommended and listed salaries for similar roles. This is a first step to quantifying these big, perplexing differences and attempting to make sense of them. Local data sources reflected the lowest average salary for software engineers, as well as most other positions. Data aggregators, as expected, were mostly situated in the middle of the pack. The exception here is Payscale, reflecting salary figures closer to the local China providers.  International data providers have the biggest range among them and are skewed a lot higher than other source types.  Why such a Big Difference in Listed Salaries? Of the 14 sources listed, the lowest average software engineer salary listed is RMB ¥203,000 per year (USD $28,000), and the highest at RMB ¥650,000 per year (USD $89,000) – that’s a range of RMB ¥447,000 per year (USD $61,000). Different Target Audiences Simply put, each company listed put out its data for different reasons and different eyeballs. For example, the international firms releasing this type of information tend to have headhunting and/or executive search arms, and thus target their potential and existing client pool at multinational companies. Different Data Points While some of the salary listings are more generalized than others, all are based on some sort of data collected.  The local sources, Zhilian Zhaopin & Liepin, are pulling from their own sets of data – which happen to be from hundreds of thousands of job listings across their platforms. It’s important to note that their data reflects recruited salaries, or the publicly listed salary information that companies advertise on the platforms, and not the final salary actually received on contract. Actual salaries received may be higher as 1) candidates negotiate, and 2) employers often have internal thresholds and benefits that they can offer above the advertised package. International sources are also likely to be pulling on some of their own data and experience. They are more likely to have higher requirements from clients for things like language (bilingual+ candidates only) and international working experience or education. Furthermore, a large portion of the data that these foreign HR firms have likely comes from larger multinationals (MNCs), which generally pay higher than local Chinese employers. In order to attract great talent in China, foreign companies (and any companies for that matter) are wise to budget a compensation package that is above the industry average.  More from our series on salaries in China: Average Salary in China – Local Data 2023 Top 10 Highest-Paying Cities in China (2023) Average Salary Ranges for New University Graduates in China Highest Paying Job Sectors in China – Local Data 2023 Highest Paying Jobs in China (2023) Highest Paying Pharmaceutical Jobs in China (2023) Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  We’ve been recruiting in China since 2014! Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget! Our China Recruiter Pro service helps companies utilize leading Chinese platforms just like Liepin & Zhilian Zhaopin. Contact Us for a free consultation to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. Book A Call Get in Touch Let’s find your next great China-based team member today.  References & Further Reading: Zhilian Zhaopin: Liepin: Payscale: Persol Kelly: Michael Page: Glassdoor:,5_IN48_KO6,23.htm Salary Expert: Economic Research Institute: JSC Group: Morgan McKinley: Hays Group: Robert Half: Robert Walters: Gemini Global:

Average Software Engineer Salary in China: 14 Sources Compared Read More »

4 Alternatives to Linkedin in China

4 Alternatives to LinkedIn in China

What You Will Learn LinkedIn shut down its China-facing platform InCareer on August 9, 2023. This video summarizes other big networking and employment platforms on offer in China, including: Maimai BOSS App Liepin Wechat Check out our companion article on this topic: LinkedIn Has Left China. Here Are The Apps Chinese Users Will Shift To. Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  We’ve been recruiting in China since 2014! Our China Recruiter Pro service helps companies utilize leading Chinese platforms just like Zhaopin, 51job, BOSS Zhipin, Maimai, and Liepin. Contact Us to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. Book A Call Get in Touch Let’s find your next great China-based team member today. 

4 Alternatives to LinkedIn in China Read More »

What are the 5 Social Funds Employers Must Pay into in China?

What are the 5 Social Funds Employers Must Pay into in China?

What You Will Learn The 5 types of social insurance required in China: Pension Fund Medical Insurance Unemployment Insurance Maternity Fund Work-related Injury Insurance The 1 type of social insurance that is conditional in China: Housing Fund  China Social Insurance Reference Chart: Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  We’ve been recruiting in China since 2014! Our China Recruiter Pro service helps companies utilize leading local Chinese hiring platforms and social media. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. Book A Call Get in Touch Let’s find your next great China-based team member today. 

What are the 5 Social Funds Employers Must Pay into in China? Read More »

LinkedIn Has Left China

LinkedIn Has Left China. Here Are The Apps Chinese Users Will Shift To.

And so the date has come and gone, and LinkedIn has left China. On August 9th, 2023 the Microsoft-owned global HR giant closed down its China-based product, InCareer, after launching less than two years earlier at the end of 2021.  LinkedIn has had quite a successful history in China compared to many of its US tech counterparts. It grew to over 50 million registered users in the country, all of whom will likely have to find (or have already found) other platforms to fill the LinkedIn void. Let’s walk through the highlights of LinkedIn’s history in China, then take a look at where we think most users are migrating (or have migrated!).  Hiring in China? We can help. The History of LinkedIn in China A Timeline, 2014-2023 2014: February: LinkedIn officially launches its Chinese version, known as “领英” (Lingying), to cater to the Chinese market. …The Chinese version of LinkedIn complies with local censorship regulations, leading to some criticism and concerns about privacy and freedom of expression. 2017: June: LinkedIn announces that it has reached over 30 million users in China. The company continues to comply with Chinese censorship laws, which require certain sensitive content to be removed or restricted within the platform. 2018: January: LinkedIn’s Chinese user base reaches 40 million users. The company launches a new China-specific desktop design with improved translation and better user experience for its Chinese users. 2021: March: LinkedIn reaches 52 million users in China. October: Shuts down the full version of LinkedIn in China. Prepares to roll out a China-focused App, InCareer, targeted solely on employment services and excluding social media aspects of the platform.  2023: August: Final phase-out of InCareer and exit of China almost completely. LinkedIn Offices in Shanghai Now That LinkedIn Is Gone… What Will Chinese Job Seekers, Hiring Managers, and Networkers Use Instead? First, let’s divide LinkedIn’s uses into two types of platforms: A) Professional networking & social media platforms, and B) Employment & career-focused platforms. LinkedIn does a successful job of blending these. The job services benefit the professional networking, and vice-versa. Professional Networking & Social Media Apps These are apps that have a primary focus on social media — networking, messaging/contacting, and content consumption. Think LinkedIn, Elon’s vision for X, Facebook, Instagram, and a pinch of TikTok. Wechat (微信) Wechat is the Everything app. While many users primarily use it for social contact and social media purposes, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone over 22 in China that doesn’t use it for work and professional networking purposes as well. The Wechat ID (via QR code) is the first thing exchanged between two people in all major business hubs throughout China. In most cases, nobody asks for anything but WeChat at professional networking events, with email or phone coming in at a distant second. Wecom (企业微信) WeCom, formerly WeChat Work, gets a mention here because it integrates well with WeChat. It is Slack connected seamlessly with the Everything app. If colleagues formerly connected socially online via LinkedIn, this may become a place for more internal work groups and connection opportunities. Weibo (微博) Anything compared to WeChat in terms of messaging/networking/connecting is tough. Weibo, formerly compared to Twitter years ago, is the most mature, by-the-book news and professional topic-based social media platform in China. They are the successful version of Yahoo!. Weibo is still going strong and may be where professionals start looking more so to see relevant content. Maimai (脉脉) Maimai is the newest entrant in the discussion and has been bluntly referred to as the LinkedIn of China. Since launching in 2013, Maimai has grown to over 110 million users (over twice that of LinkedIn China) and found a way to blend both professional networking and career services into one platform. As of 2023, its user figures are lower than most of the other companies on this list, but growing at a brisk rate. Now that LinkedIn has left China, Maimai (脉脉) is poised to get a strong uptick in users.  Employment & Career Focused Apps These are apps that have a primary focus on job placement and career services. Think Indeed, Monster, CareerBuilder, The Ladders, Glassdoor, and ZipRecruiter. There are A LOT of job platform competitors in China. Here are some of the most dominant players that a majority of former LinkedIn users will likely move to (or have moved to!).  These companies have a lot that overlap with each other, but a whole lot more that don’t. For that reason, we’ll be listing them out simply by year founded, oldest to newest. Zhilian Zhaopin (智联招聘) Founded in 1997, Zhilian Zhaopin (智联招聘) is the oldest and arguably the biggest player of the job platforms in China. As of 2020, the company had over 200 million users and over 120 million monthly active users. The scope covers every type of job – think of this as the Indeed/Monster of China. A company that not only survived the Internet 1.0 era, but has continued to grow, thrive, and adapt to the times successfully for 25+ years. Since LinkedIn has left China, Zhilian Zhaopin is an easy choice for many professional job seekers and employers to spend more time with.  51job (前程无忧) Founded in 1998, 51job (前程无忧) started in Beijing not long after Zhaopin did in Shanghai. As of 2021, the company had over 155 million users and ’51job’ is ubiquitous in the job search conversation. If Zhilian Zhaopin is Indeed, then 51job is Monster (or vice versa). The scope of this platform also covers every type of job and is certainly going to pick up more user activity with LinkedIn out of the picture in China.  58 Tongcheng (58同城) & Ganji (赶集网) Both founded in 2005, 58 Tongcheng (58同城) & Ganji (赶集网) started out as classifieds websites, not unlike Craigslist in the US. In 2015, the companies merged and formed parent company 58 Ganji Co., Ltd.  Unlike the trajectory of Craigslist, however, both of these companies have continued to offer new types of services and have held

LinkedIn Has Left China. Here Are The Apps Chinese Users Will Shift To. Read More »

As an Employer in China, Should You Be Offering Employees a 13th Month of Salary?

As an Employer in China, Should You Be Offering Employees a 13th Month of Salary?

What You Will Learn Advantages and disadvantages of offering a “13th month” salary bonus in China, including: The effect a bonus can have on attracting top talent. Setting your organization’s positions apart from the crowd. Improving employee morale. Showcasing understanding of cultural sensitivities & norms.  Performance-based vs guaranteed bonuses. Adherence to local employment regulations. Check out our companion article on this topic: A Guide To The 13th Month Salary Bonus In China More from our series on salaries in China: Our 2023 Complete Guide to Salaries in China Average Software Engineer Salary in China: 14 Sources Compared Average Salary in China – Local Data Q2 2023 Highest Paying Jobs in China – Local Data 2023 Highest Paying Job Sectors in China – Local Data 2023 Highest Paying Pharmaceutical Jobs In China (2023) Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  We’ve been recruiting in China since 2014! Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget! Our China Recruiter Pro service helps companies utilize leading local Chinese hiring platforms and social media. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. Book A Call Get in Touch Let’s find your next great China-based team member today. 

As an Employer in China, Should You Be Offering Employees a 13th Month of Salary? Read More »

What Does a Software Engineer earn in a 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Tier City in China?

What Does a Software Engineer Earn in a 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Tier City in China?

What You Will Learn What a software engineer earns in different types of Chinese cities, including: First-tier cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou.  Second-tier cities like Nanjing, Hangzhou, & Tianjin. Third-tier cities like Changsha, Xiamen, & Foshan. The importance of considering locations in China when putting salary packages together. More from our series on salaries in China: Average Salary in China – Local Data Q2 2023 Highest Paying Jobs in China – Local Data 2023 Highest Paying Job Sectors in China – Local Data 2023 Highest Paying Pharmaceutical Jobs In China (2023) Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  We’ve been recruiting in China since 2014! Our China Recruiter Pro service helps companies utilize leading local Chinese hiring platforms and social media. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. Book A Call Get in Touch Let’s find your next great China-based team member today. 

What Does a Software Engineer Earn in a 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Tier City in China? Read More »

5 Chinese market e-commerce trends to watch in 2023

5 Chinese market e-commerce trends to watch in 2023

What You Will Learn The biggest China e-commerce trends in 2023 according to Alibaba, including facts on: Outdoor gear Pets Metaverse Gen Z shoppers Virtual influencers Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  We’ve been recruiting in China since 2014! Our China Recruiter Pro service helps companies utilize leading local Chinese hiring platforms and social media. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. Book A Call Get in Touch Let’s find your next great China-based team member today. 

5 Chinese market e-commerce trends to watch in 2023 Read More »

How Much Do Background Checks Cost in China?

How Much Do Background Checks Cost in China?

What You Will Learn The costs of different types of background checks in China, including: Verification of identification documents, education credentials, and employment history Criminal background checks Adverse media checks Professional licenses & certifications verification Why employers perform background checks before hiring in China. Hiring in China? We can help, and stay within your budget!  We’ve been recruiting in China since 2014! Our China Recruiter Pro service helps companies utilize leading local Chinese hiring platforms and social media. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization. Book A Call Get in Touch Let’s find your next great China-based team member today. 

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