Python Developers in China: Salary Data and Hiring Guide

Python Developers in China - Salary and Hiring Guide - TeamedUp China

Python Developers in China

Average Salary Nationwide, January 2024

Average Salary: ¥22,101 per month

Median Salary: ¥20,757 per month

Job Data Points: 302,751

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Python Developers in China: Salary Overview

Salary data for Python developers in China, according to 302,751 local job data points last updated on January 30, 2024.

Average Monthly Salary: ¥22,101
Median Monthly Salary: ¥20,757

Salary Distribution

The most prevalent salary range is between ¥16,000 and ¥22,000, which accounts for approximately 23% of the data.

The distribution of salaries among Python developers is categorized as follows:

¥2,000 – ¥8,000: 5%
¥8,000 – ¥14,000: 18%
¥14,000 – ¥16,000: 8%
¥16,000 – ¥22,000: 23%
¥22,000 – ¥30,000: 20%
¥30,000 – ¥38,000: 10%
¥38,000 – ¥46,000: 5%
¥46,000 – ¥54,000: 3%
¥54,000 – ¥62,000: 2%
¥62,000 – ¥70,000: 1%
¥70,000 – ¥78,000: 1%

Job Responsibilities

Typical responsibilities for Python-related positions in China include:

– Developing and maintaining Python applications.
– Collaborating with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features.
– Writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code.
– Troubleshooting and debugging applications.
– Participating in code reviews and maintaining documentation.


Most Requested Qualifications

Employers typically look for candidates with:

– Proficiency in Python programming
– Familiarity with web frameworks (e.g., Django, Flask)
– Understanding of database management (e.g., SQL, NoSQL)
– Experience with version control systems (e.g., Git)
– Problem-solving skills and the ability to work in a team


Popular Python Developer Employers in China

The following Chinese companies are noted for hiring Python developers. Here are the average Python developer salaries at each, according to the data set:

– Alibaba: ¥38,517
– Tencent: ¥30,492
– Baidu: ¥31,189
– ByteDance: ¥41,855
– ¥28,503
– Huawei: ¥25,623
– Didi Chuxing: ¥37,881
– Meituan: ¥41,232
– NIO: ¥50,775

The salary data indicates that top-tier companies offer significantly higher salaries compared to the industry average. This highlights the competitive nature of the job market for skilled Python developers.


Recommendations For Employers Hiring Python Developers

1. Competitive Compensation: To attract top talent, employers should offer salaries that are competitive within the industry. Consider benchmarking against major companies known for hiring Python developers.

2. Professional Development: Providing opportunities for continuous learning and career advancement can help retain talent. This is particularly important in a field that evolves rapidly.

3. Work Environment: Creating a positive and collaborative work environment can enhance employee satisfaction and productivity.

4. Clear Job Descriptions: Ensure that job postings clearly outline responsibilities, required skills, and growth opportunities to attract suitable candidates.


Python Developer Demand by Region

This list ranks the top 10 regions in China by the number of Python developer job positions available, including the percentage of total positions each region represents.Now, here’s the list with percentages added:

  1. Beijing: 15,275 positions (29.82% of total)
  2. Shanghai: 10,444 positions (20.39% of total)
  3. Shenzhen: 8,388 positions (16.37% of total)
  4. Hangzhou: 4,197 positions (8.19% of total)
  5. Guangzhou: 3,203 positions (6.25% of total)
  6. Xi’an: 2,385 positions (4.66% of total)
  7. Chengdu: 2,372 positions (4.63% of total)
  8. Wuhan: 1,891 positions (3.69% of total)
  9. Nanjing: 1,778 positions (3.47% of total)
  10. Suzhou: 1,293 positions (2.52% of total)

Total position data points in top 10 regions: 51,226.


Educational Background of Python Job Candidates

The distribution of educational requirments among Python job postings in the data set is as follows:

– Bachelor’s Degree: 72.34%
– Associate Degree: 18.61%
– No Specific Degree Required: 6.36%
– Master’s Degree: 2.38%
– High School Diploma: 0.11%
– Technical Secondary School: 0.10%
– Doctorate: 0.07%
– Junior High School or Below: 0.03%



Experience Distribution of Python Job Candidates

The distribution of work experience requirements among Python job postings in the data set is as follows:

– 3-5 Years of Experience: 36.34%
– 1-3 Years of Experience: 28.87%
– No Experience Required: 18.47%
– 5-10 Years of Experience: 9.36%
– Intern/Recent Graduate: 4.31%
– Less than 1 Year of Experience: 2.37%
– Over 10 Years of Experience: 0.28%


Python Developers in China - A Summary

So we’ve gone through insights into the Python job market in China, highlighting:

High Demand Regions: Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen are the top three cities for job openings, indicating a strong demand for Python developers in major urban areas.

Educational Trends: The majority of job openings require a bachelor’s degree, while a significant portion of positions do not specify educational requirements, reflecting the industry’s focus on skills over formal qualifications.

Experience Levels: The largest number of positions seek candidates with 3-5 years of experience, but there are also opportunities for entry-level candidates and recent graduates, indicating a diverse range of job openings catering to different experience levels.



The two main sources of data for this series on individual job salaries in China are local HR companies BOSS Zhipin and Zhilian Zhaopin. They are both among China’s biggest job portals and have some of the largest amounts of local, first-hand, public data points. It’s important to note that the data most often reflects recruited salaries – or the publicly listed salary information companies advertise on their platforms. 

Data sets used in this article can be found here. More coverage and further sources can be found in our Salary Guides and Resources collections.

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