Let’s start off by saying ZipRecruiter is a large, US job-search company. Since its founding in 2010, it’s grown rapidly to become one of the top employment platforms in the country. Let’s also be clear that we are not affiliated with ZipRecruiter in any way – we just find what they’ve built impressive.
With over 160 million job-seeking users and 3.8 million company clients, they have clearly filled in a gap in the US hiring marketplace. [stats]
For fellow HR people like us, ZipRecruiter is inspiring! And so it was certainly one of the platforms we looked at when creating our China Candidate Sourcing Pro service.
So! Without further ado – here is what our China-based service entails, and a humble comparison to ZipRecruiter’s useful offerings in the US.
The Service in a Nutshell
ZipRecruiter’s main, headline purpose is to find quality candidates for their business clients. Here’s a breakdown from their ‘How it Works’ page, and how we at TeamedUp offer a similar high-quality service for the China market.
Step 1: Send Your Job to Top Sites
ZipRecruiter – after finalizing and uploading a Job Description (JD), the platform posts your job across many online job platforms (they claim over 100!).
Some of the highlighted job boards include Google Jobs, Salary.com, Flexjobs, Patch, Lensa, and Jooble.
The site also mentions the option to share the job on the social networks Facebook, X (Twitter), and LinkedIn.

At TeamedUp China, we post across many of the major Chinese job platforms. Just as with the rest of the internet, China has a completely separate set of HR and job platforms.
Even the mighty LinkedIn no longer operates in the country. This (mostly) goes for LinkedIn and ZipRecruiter’s peers – Indeed, Monster, CareerBuilder, etc.
Some of the China-based platforms we use include Zhilian Zhaopin (智联招聘), 51Job (前程无忧), 58.com (58同城), Ganji (赶集网), Liepin (同道猎聘), Maimai (脉脉), Lagou (拉勾), and BOSS Zhipin (BOSS直聘).
Here’s a breakdown we did looking at all of these job platforms in more detail: The Ultimate Guide to Chinese Job Boards (2024).
…We also sprinkle in social media exposure on some of China’s biggest mega-apps like WeChat and Weibo.

Step 2: Reach Top Candidates
ZipRecruiter next “scans thousands of resumes to find candidates with the right skills, education, and experience —then actively invites them to apply.”
They also boast AI-enhanced “Matching Technology” that assists in, well, matching company clients with the (hopeful) best candidate fits.
At TeamedUp China, our Recruiting Pros use a combination of 1. the (often) AI-enhanced matching tech provided by the big platforms, along with 2. our own (both manual and automated) outreach methods.
As power users on the big Chinese HR platforms, we have access to tens of millions of skilled Chinese professionals at any given time. We’re scanning talent databases, refining results, and actively reaching out to the best matches for each position.
Step 3: Review & Manage Your Matches
As candidates begin to apply, ZipRecruiter next gives clients the option to assess and communicate with them.
At TeamedUp China, we typically send our candidate selections in weekly batches. Our goal is to consistently improve the quality of these batches for every client and every position. We also prioritize adjusting to feedback regularly.
If there are any issues communicating with a candidate, our account managers will jump in to help coordinate as needed.
Hire and Repeat!
And so there you have it! Props to ZipRecruiter for improving the way people hire, and get hired, in North America and beyond.
We’ll close by saying that we’re proud of our Candidate Sourcing offering for the China market. We’ve helped a lot of great companies hire, and hope to continue to do so for a long time!
Hiring in China?
We can help, and stay within your budget!
Our China Candidate Sourcing Pro service helps companies reach great talent across leading Chinese job platforms. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss hiring goals, salary & compensation budgets in China, and if TeamedUp China is the right fit to support your organization.
Let’s find your next great China-based team member today.